Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Love Shack and Budweiser

I've decided that I'm really not very good at this blogging thing, as it has been a while since I have posted for you.  Although you should see my impressive list of people that I am following with their awesome blogs!

Anyway last night when the girl child was mocking my music on my phone it reminded me of the time the girl with the yella hair got the new B52's tape (not a CD, this is back in the dark ages after all) and bought it over to our flat.  Our favourite pastime at the flat was drinking of course as we were only in our early 20's.  So off to the offie we went to buy a box of bud's, we probably passed Burger King on the way so a Double Whopper with Cheese (kind of the size of my bum at that time) would of been our extremely healthy dinner or afternoon tea and then back home.  Anyway we were giving all who lived in Penywern Road a good listen to our choice of music whilst drinking, when the girl with the yella hair picked up a cushion off the couch and proceeded to dance around the lounge with the cushion used as her handbag.  We, well not the blokes but myself and our other friend joined in.  I think our neighbours probably hated us, well except for the dirty old pervert across the road that used to look into our lounge all the time.  When ever I hear the Love Shack it always takes me back to that afternoon and the laughs that we had. 

Monday 11 April 2011

Food, Food and More Glorious Food

The girl with the yella hair and I share a common love of food, some I like that she doesnt and one such food springs to mind.  I love Leeks with White Sauce, the girl with the yella hair does not like Leeks with White Sauce!!  (no taste that chick)  Anyway one night her mother dished up her dinner and leeks and white sauce was included, she promptly put them into a zip lock bag and sometime the next day someone put them into my letter box!  I was at work of course and so they were sitting in the letter box in the sun for the whole day - needless to say I didnt eat them, but of course that is typical of the girl with the yella hair to think of someone else and pass them on.

Another time she came to my house when I lived with the wannbe bodybuilder.  He had just got a brand new blender for making his protein shakes with.  Well she had a cool idea that being winter we should make some pumpkin soup.  So we start making the pumpkin soup but we really needed to blend it, so into the blender it goes and we put the top on and start blending away - well what a mess, apparently you should take the little bit in the lid out that lets all the steam out first.  We hadnt of course, we were young and didnt know any better.  There was I in a white sweatshirt that was now a lovely colour of white with pumpkin soup orange accents on it and it was all over the cupboards, floor etc.  We never got to eat pumpkin soup that day! 

When we lived in London, the girl with the yella hair taught me all sorts of things there too - and not just how many pints you can drink in a night either!  Apparently if you eat rice or was it pasta, one of them anyway they fill you up for a lot longer than the other and mixed with frozen mixed veges you can call that a meal.  Toad in the hole everynight is also quite filling.  And no wonder there was no money for food, we would go to Waitrose first and buy these little Queen Cakes first and fill up on them.  Then one day we had the shock of going and babysitting for someone that the girl with the yella hair worked with who happened to have scales in her bathroom!!!1  That was such a sad day, I wont reveal what the girl with the yella hair weighed but I had gone from 7 1/2 stone to a 10 stone tessie.  I looked like Allison Moyet, does anyone remember her!!!  Back in the stoneage again my daughter would remind me. 

Another foodie memory was living in Sunnynook with the girl with the yella hair and we would go out drinking, then you could come home and make your own fillet of fishes easy peasy.  Two slices of bread, fish fingers and then tomatoe sauce and mayonnaise mmmmmm yummy.  We were such gourmet cooks.  Another thing we used to do and it was excellent for not getting too many customers to our counter at the Bank, I would cook spag bol and load it up with garlic, actually I think that was the only thing I new how to cook, this was before going to London for my cooking lessons with the girl with yella hair.  

The Garden Cafe on a Friday night in Browns Bay was a regular haunt, we would go there on our tea break and have the most devine vegetable pie with cheese sauce.  I have to say I was a bit dubious about this when the girl with the yella hair suggested it to me - no meat!!  But I should of trusted someone who was to become one of my bestest friends, it was so good I can almost taste it now.  Those kind of dinners didnt last to long as then we found that in our half hour dinner break we could whip down the the local for a beer or even 2 and get back to work, no food involved in that little exercise. 

Well all this talk of food has made me hungry so I must go and find something to eat,  I am sure there is more that I could add to this food blog and maybe one day I will do another foodie one.  But really I have way more to add when it comes to drinking with my old drinking buddie xx

Sunday 10 April 2011

How it all began

A long time ago, or as my daughter so tells me - back in the Stone Age (I think it was the day of my 21st birthday....... ages ago), I went to work at the ASB Bank where I met my very dear friend the girl with the Yella Hair.

So this blog is all about my friend with the Yella Hair and oh the fun we had.

We call her the girl with the yella hair as she had beautiful long thick blonde hair.  She always signed off her cards to me and my family as the girl with the yella hair and it kinda just stuck.  We had another friend in our group who I will probably refer to and she was called Girlie. 

This blog will take a long time to write and will probably be all mish mash and all over the place as I remember the funny things that we did, but this is really just for you my friend and i know that you wont mind that things are not in order. 

My first memory that I am going to write about is the day that we made buses out of the sun loungers!!!  We had a pool at our family home and the girl with the yella hair was part of the family.  We spent most weekends around the pool in the summer, and most of the mad antics that we got up to were her idea.  One day, we must of been bored you suggested that we make buses.  So we folded up the ends of the sun loungers and lined them up behind each other and there we had our bus.  You were probably the bus driver and I am sure that Girlie was there too.  We spent ages doing god knows what with the sun lounger bus pretending to go all over the place.  All I can say about that particular day is thank goodness we had a fence around the pool and people couldn't see us!!!!   

Gosh there is loads to write about around the pool, stickles, you are my sunshine, flippies etc. 

The stickles were another memory of you, diving in the pool to save the stickles (smiles).  I have to explain to people who don't understand what stickles are when I talk about this memory.  Beside the pool we had a tree, I think it was maybe a Japanese Maple but Mum would be able to tell me.   Anyway the leaves would fall off into the pool and make a bit of a mess and bless the girl with the yella hair would jump in a save them.  She saved Mum the job of getting the vacuum out to clean the pool too.  And so they were called Stickles.  

Flippies, I couldn't do a flippie to save myself.  So you spent ages with me teaching me how to do this at the deep end of the pool.  I was so scared that I would hit the edge of the pool, I should of just got on with it and trusted you.  I have to say, I have never done them since we left 328 and the fab pool.  But i reckon i still could do them after being taught by such a great teacher.  We should go to the pools one day ahe and save stickles and do flippies, they might kick us out if we start trying to make buses out of their sun loungers though.